Orange, Uncategorized

Orange drizzle cake recipe

It was Sunday morning, I was considering what to bake and as usual, didn’t really know what I fancied. I wanted to try something different, and when the thought occurred to me that if you can have a lemon drizzle cake, why not other fruit drizzle cakes, I immediately settled on an orange one. I love… Continue reading Orange drizzle cake recipe

Victoria Sponge fairy cakes

Victoria Sponge Fairy Cakes Recipe

When anyone asks me what my favourite cake flavour is, it’s a difficult choice between lemon cake, chocolate cake and a classic Victoria Sponge. Actually, it’s a difficult choice between all cakes, but sometimes simple is best. These little Victoria Sponge fairy cakes make the most of the simple, timeless combination of vanilla sponge, vanilla… Continue reading Victoria Sponge Fairy Cakes Recipe

Occasions, Uncategorized

A month of me: mindfulness & baking Mum’s vanilla cupcake recipe. Yum!

After Christmas is over, January drags its heels in a seemingly endless parade of grey sky and perpetual drizzle. The complete opposite of a month of sparkle and celebration in December, and unsurprisingly, it’s a struggle to stay motivated for the goals we optimistically set ourselves on New Year’s Day. It’s far too easy to slip into a dull routine, forget the resolutions for another year, and nothing changes. But, instead of all this, I think now is the best time to look after ourselves for a bit. Christmas is a barrage of friends, family, parties, and as much as we love them all, it’s exhausting! (Especially for us introverts.) I’m lucky in that Dad’s birthday is January, so there has always been something to look forward to after Christmas, but it has meant that I hadn’t taken any time out for myself to recover. This year could be the start of a new routine – something wonderful. The month of me.